Ministry Teams
“Anabaptist Connections” is comprised of two teams, both Amish and Mennonite. These two teams have committed to work together in a covenant relationship. For the first time in Anabaptist history have Amish and Mennonites come together in overcoming ancient animosities and divisions, to work as a corporate team in forging healing and forgiveness. The two have reconciled into one body through the power of the CROSS. Some say, this is no more than a loose fitting ecumenical movement, and must be disregarded. God allows each of us to our own choices. We need to give each other the same space as well. Suffice it to say “Anabaptist Connections” did not evolve through someone’s theological views or superior knowledge. It was birthed forth through great pain in the valley of death. Out of death comes llife. Phil 3:10-11. Nor is Anabaptist Connections limited to their own people only, but is now reaching far beyond its borders. This is the great commission and Spiritual legacy left by our forefathers from their beginning in the 16th century! Mark 16:15 In light of such a surge of the Holy Spirit for 200 years, how is it that we Anabaptists have degenerated into such a state of obscurity and quietness?
Amish Teams
Roy & Mary Yoder
Roy and Mary Yoder grew up in the “old order Amish church” in Holmes County Ohio, the largest Amish community in the nation. They have two chidren, Meryle and Celesta, both married. In 1987 Roy and Mary joined us in our journey while living in MI as we together, shared the good news of the Gospel and salvation for 12 years throughout the Amish communitiues in the nation. As a team, we now continue to walk together as well. Mary is part of our intercessory and prophetic team. They live near Libby MT.

Benjamin & Dora Girod
Benjamin and Dora Girod, are a young couple who have joined our team as well. They both walk in the prophetic and greatly compliment each other in this field. Because of this, they are an asset to the teams function, and stability. Together, they often bring clarity on decisions that the team must make. Dora grew up in the Amish church near Rexford MT., while Benjamin grew up in PA and MI. Benjamin is also a part of CBS construction, whose primary function is constructing log homes. They live near Libby MT.

Ben & Barbra Girod
Benjamin and Dora Girod, are a young couple who have joined our team as well. They both walk in the prophetic and greatly compliment each other in this field. Because of this, they are an asset to the teams function, and stability. Together, they often bring clarity on decisions that the team must make. Dora grew up in the Amish church near Rexford MT., while Benjamin grew up in PA and MI. Benjamin is also a part of CBS construction, whose primary function is constructing log homes. They live near Libby MT.

Marvin & Mary Mullet
Benjamin and Dora Girod, are a young couple who have joined our team as well. They both walk in the prophetic and greatly compliment each other in this field. Because of this, they are an asset to the teams function, and stability. Together, they often bring clarity on decisions that the team must make. Dora grew up in the Amish church near Rexford MT., while Benjamin grew up in PA and MI. Benjamin is also a part of CBS construction, whose primary function is constructing log homes. They live near Libby MT.

Mennonite Teams
Lloyd & Elaine Hoover
Lloyd and Elaine Hoover are part of the Lancaster Conference Mennonite church of Lancaster County PA. This is one of the oldest Mennonite movements in America. As a bishop, Lloyd has oversight of several churchs in the area. We first met with them, Jan 21 2003 at Petra church near New Holland PA. It was a historic moment, since it was also on this date that our history began when Felix Manz and Conrad Grebel, who with others came together and baptized one another. It was on this day that we Amish and Mennonites came together to begin a journey as one body. All of this came about with much fear trembling, yet one could sense the Holy Spirit in operation, leading and guiding one step at a time. Here “Anabaptist Connections” was born. This was a momentous time, yet it took a few years for these steps towards each other to become established. After many generations of separation, it is hard to think in terms of Amish and Mennonites walking together again, hand in hand. It was not all roses, at times there were some misunderstandings, perhaps even some cultural shocks. Yet, one always felt the favor of God, as we charted through these untested waters. Lloyd and Elaine live on Lloyds historic family farm near Leola PA. in Lancaster County.

Hershey & Lisa Sensenig
Hershey and Lisa have also been a part of this early Movement in Lancaster County PA among the Mennonites. They also have been with Lloyds team from the beginning. Lisa was the teams hidden vessel, in covering their outreach with prayer and intercession . Her influence and intercession was felt among the Amish sector as well. They are a vital part in guiding the team in its Divine course. We are incredibly grateful to walk side by side with this team, as we together, move ahead in many uncharted waters of healing and reconciliation.

For more information contact us.
Anabaptist Connections, 432 Airport Way, Libby MT 59923